Additional therapies Gifhorn

Dorn-Breuss & Reiki

2 effective gentle therapies

At our Gifhorn practice, we also offer spinal therapy according to Dorn-Breuss – named after Dieter Dorn – as well as the gentle healing method Reiki. Since both methods complement each other wonderfully, we are happy to combine them for you.

Spinal therapy according to Dorn Breuss and Reiki
Spinal therapy according to Dorn Breuss



Spinal therapy according to Dorn Breuss

The effective and holistic Dorn therapy is said to help with many back complaints. It is carried out using simple, dynamic movements: Each joint and vertebral body treatment or correction is performed exclusively in motion. The aim is to let the joints and vertebral bodies slide back into their healthy position. Since a correct pelvic position is a prerequisite for a straight spine, each treatment begins with the correction of the leg lengths. The aim is to bring into flow what was previously blocked.

Am Standort Gifhorn bieten wir zusätzlich die Wirbelsäulentherapie nach Dorn-Breuß – benannt nach Dieter Dorn – an.

The gentle massage according to Rudolf Breuß

During this gentle, energetic-manual back massage with St. John’s wort-oil along the spine and the bladder meridian – also called “intervertebral disc massage” – mental, energetic and physical blockages can be released and tense muscles loosened.

Breuss massage can help solve many problems in the musculoskeletal system. It supports stretching and elongation of the spine and regeneration of undersupplied intervertebral discs. St. John’s wort oil can have a calming effect on the nerves.

Gentle healing method Reiki



Reiki ist eine sanfte, energetische Heilmethode, die um 1930 in Japan wiederentdeckt wurde. Durch das Auflegen der Hände auf bestimmte Bereiche des Körpers soll universelle Lebensenergie übertragen werden. Dadurch kann es zu einer Aktivierung der Selbstheilungskräfte kommen und es können sich energetische Blockaden lösen, sodass die Energie wieder frei durch den gesamten Körper fließen kann.

Jeder Mensch kann in jedem Alter und in jeder Lebenssituation von Reiki profitieren – auch Schwangere und Säuglinge. Reiki ersetzt keinen Arzt, Heilpraktiker oder sonstigen Therapeuten, kann jedoch sehr gut unterstützend wirken und den Geist sowohl beruhigen als auch öffnen. Die Terminvereinbarung erfolgt über den Empfang an unserem Standort in Gifhorn.

Procedure of the treatment (60 min)

  • Short preliminary talk
  • Reiki treatment while lying down
  • Short follow-up talk

Please bring a thin blanket or towel for covering to the treatments.

At the Gifhorn location, we also offer the gentle healing method Reiki.

What could Reiki effectuate in detail?

  • Emotionally: relaxation, increasing balance, increased joy of life, releasing emotional blockages.
  • Physically: pain relief, detoxification, blood circulation enhancement, strengthening and activation of the immune system.
  • Mental: Relieving stress, increasing concentration and mental clarity, recognizing and letting go of stressful thought patterns.

Possible sensations during the treatment

Relaxation, increased perception of warmth and cold as well as tingling, emotions and feelings boiling up.

It is important to allow these upcoming emotions to release so that the energy can flow again. We try to “decongest” and dust off your energy balance with strength and sensitivity. The treatment is performed by Janina Giesbert, graduate of the 2nd Reiki degree according to Usui.

„Give your mind the rest it deserves!”

Gentle healing method Reiki



Patient Mona Baranczyk

Mona Baranczyk has lived in isolation for 15 years because of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and has recovered so far through the SanaZon® treatment that she can also support other MCS patients.

She has gained a lot of experience over the years, which she now brings to our practices – but above all, she wants to make it easier for those affected to find their way “back to life” mentally.

Mona Baranczyk has lived in isolation for 15 years because of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

Ms. Baranczyk offers, among other things, help in finding accommodation before treatment and possible care during the treatment period (mainly in Gifhorn).

Additional therapies exclusively at the locations



Monday 8am – 1pm and 2pm – 6pm
Tuesday and Wednesday 8am – 2pm
Thursday 8am – 1pm and 2pm – 6pm
Friday 8am – 2pm
and by arrangement

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    Naturopathy practice

    Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 11
    38518 Gifhorn

    Naturopathy practice

    Am Kurgarten 2
    23570 Lübeck-Travemünde


    Huckenham 11
    94137 Bayerbach

    Bei der hier beschriebenen Behandlungsmethode handelt es sich um ein Therapieverfahren der naturkundlichen Erfahrungsmedizin, das nicht zu den allgemein anerkannten Methoden im Sinne einer Anerkennung durch die Schulmedizin gehört. Alle getroffenen Aussagen über Eigenschaften und Wirkungen sowie Indikation der vorgestellten Therapieverfahren beruhen auf den Erkenntnissen und Erfahrungswerten in der Therapieeinrichtung selbst, die von der herrschenden Schulmedizin nicht geteilt werden und für die naturwissenschaftlich reproduzierbare Kausalzusammenhänge nicht bestehen.